Sho-Chiku-Bai® Sweet Rice
Our Sho-Chiku-Bai is a Japanese style sweet rice, also known as sticky rice, sweet short grain, mochigome, or glutinous rice. Kernels are short and opaque in appearance and when cooked, super starchy. Given this quality, applications are specialized, and for the Japanese, mochi and osekihan are typical presentations.
Preparation & Serving Suggestions
For aforementioned reasons, automatic electric rice cookers are highly recommended for the preparation of this specialized strain of rice. Instructions and tips can typically be found in the individual appliance's handbook. The final consistency will be very moist and very, very sticky, with the tender kernels vigorously clumping together. Like our Kokuho Rose Japanese style rice, you'll want to rinse this rice thoroughly to remove excess natural starch before placing into your rice cooker.
Instructions for Preparing Sho-Chiku-Bai Sweet Rice on the Stove-top
Rinse the desired amount of uncooked rice thoroughly, then place in a large bowl with purified water to cover by approximately several inches. Place soaking rice in a cool area to rest for a minimum of 6 hours or overnight. This soaking/resting period is essential. Drain rice and place in a steaming setup with a lid (the rice must sit above the boiling water, not in contact). Steam for approximately 30 minutes or until the rice is cooked to your preference in terms of texture.

What is Mochi
Sweet rice or "mochigome" is not everyday rice and its most popular use is in the form of "mochi." Traditionally, a Japanese Mochi-tsuki ("mochi making") takes place shortly before the calendar New Year where soft steamed sweet rice is pounded in a large mortar ("usu") with a heavy mallet ("kine"). After a smooth consistency is achieved, small individual "cakes" are quickly formed. Mochi may be consumed fresh or air-dried or frozen for later use.
Often, two special cakes are made for the "Kagami-Mochi", an ancient New Year's decoration. A smaller cake is stacked atop a larger cake, their rounded shapes representing the heavenly mirror of the Three Sacred Treasures legend. Kagami-Mochi offerings are typically seen at public shrines, temples, places of business, and private homes.
Increasingly, mochi is consumed year round. Its mild flavor and possible varying textures accommodate unlimited variations - soft and newly made, it is sometimes combined with grated raw "daikon" (a Japanese white radish), soy sauce and lemon. As a sweet, it's often rolled in "kinako" (roasted soy bean "flour" mixed with sugar). "Manju", tender cakes, are filled with sweetened "azuki" red beans or other ingredients. Air-dried mochi can be roasted over a brazier before being added to soups or dipped in savory sauces.
Today, mochi can be made at home year round using automatic "mochi makers" which steam sweet rice and "knead" it into mochi. Similarly, a make-do facsimile can be made with sweet rice flour in a microwave oven.
A traditional Japanese dish for celebratory events, its festive pinkish coloring is believed to bring happiness.
- 1/2 cup Azuki beans, rinsed and soaked overnight in water
- 3 cups Sho-Chiku-Bai uncooked rice, rinsed and soaked overnight in bottled water
- 1 tbs toasted black sesame seeds
- Salt to taste
- Drain rice and set aside.
- Place drained beans in a medium size, heavy saucepan and cover beans with water.
- Bring to a rapid boil and drain.
- Return beans to saucepan, add three cups of fresh water, and simmer for 35-45 minutes.
- Test for readiness by pinching a bean with fingers tips. Bean should retain a slight resiliency. Drain beans and reserve their red tinted cooking water.
- Allow to cool.
- In an electric rice cooker's pan, combine the beans, reserved cooking liquid, and drained rice. If necessary, add bottled water per rice cooker's guidelines.
- Steam the rice in the usual manner. When cooker switches to "off," do not open lid.
- Allow rice to rest undisturbed 10-15 minutes. At that time open lid, and use a rice paddle to gently fold rice from the bottom up.
- Close lid and allow rice to rest a final 10-15 minutes.
- Before serving, sprinkle with the toasted sesame seeds. Offer salt as garnish to taste.
- Sticky Rice with Fresh Mango
- 1 1/2 cups Sho-Chiku-Bai uncooked rice
- 1 1/3 cups well-stirred canned unsweetened coconut milk
- 1/3 cup plus 3 tablespoons sugar
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 1 tbs sesame seeds, toasted lightly
- 1 large mango, peeled, pitted, and cut into thin slices
- In a bowl wash rice well in several changes of cold water until water is mostly clear.
- Soak rice in cold water to cover overnight.
- Drain rice well in a sieve, then steam in an automatic rice cooker following manufacturer's guidelines for appropriate water.
- While rice is cooking, in a small saucepan bring 1 cup coconut milk to a boil while stirring in 1/3 cup sugar and salt.
- Stir until sugar is dissolved, and remove from heat.
- Keep mixture warm.
- Transfer cooked rice to a bowl and stir in coconut-milk mixture.
- Let rice stand, covered, 30 minutes, or until coconut milk mixture is absorbed.
- While rice is standing, in a small pan slowly boil remaining 1/3 cup coconut milk with remaining 3 tablespoons sugar, stirring occasionally, 1 minute.
- Transfer sauce to a small bowl and chill until cool and slightly thickened.
- To serve, mold 1/2 cup servings of sticky rice on dessert plates.
- Drizzle desserts with sauce and sprinkle with sesame seeds. Divide mango slices among plates.
- 1 cup Sho-Chiku-Bai uncooked rice
- 1 pound ground pork
- 1 - 2 green onions
- 4 slices fresh ginger
- 1 egg
- 2 tbs light soy sauce
- 1 tbs sherry
- 1 tbs water
- 2 tps cornstarch
- 1 tps sugar
- 1/2 tsp salt or to taste
- Soak the rice in water for at least 6-8 hours (preferably overnight).
- Drain well in a sieve. Make sure the rice is fairly dry before using.
- Mince the ginger and chop the green onions finely.
- Combine with the ground pork.
- Lightly beat the egg and combine in a bowl with the light soy sauce, sherry, water, cornstarch, sugar, and the salt.
- Add to ginger, onion, and pork mixture.
- Take about 1 tablespoon of mixture and form into a ball.
- Continue with the rest of the mixture.
- Roll balls lightly over the dried glutinous rice until they are completely coated.
- Place balls on a heatproof dish 1/2 to 1 inch apart.
- Place the dish on a rack in a pot, cover, and steam over boiling water for approximately 25-35 minutes.
- Serve with shoyu (soy sauce) or condiments of choice.
* A few finely chopped Chinese "tree ear" black mushrooms may be added to the meat mixture for variation. (Dried "tree ear" mushrooms need to be presoaked before being chopped. Cover with boiling water and let rest 15 minutes before removing from water and squeezing out excess water.)