After ninety-seven years of hands-on operation...

In our 97th year based in South Dos Palos, California, we are winding down operations at our original homestead. No new crop rice or rice products will be sold this fall 2024 at our farm location as production moves to northern California.

With this transition, we will be stepping back from hands-on management but are very proud to announce Koda Farms' collaboration with and licensing of Western Foods in Woodland, California, led by Miguel Reyna, owner/CEO. As another family-owned and operated entity, Western Foods will continue the personal attention and strictest manufacturing standards that you have come to associate with our trademarked products: Kokuho Rose®, Sho-Chiku-Bai®, Blue Star Brand® Mochiko and Diamond K®.

Quality, consistency and integrity have been Koda Farms' hallmarks since its establishment in 1928 by our grandfather, Keisaburo Koda. Western Foods' adherence to those same values will strengthen and broaden the presence of Koda Farms-branded products. Koda Farms' role in this new collaboration will be to ensure that all products associated with the Koda Farms name meet our mutual approval.

As a forward-thinking processor/manufacturer with a state-of-the-art facility, Western Foods will introduce minor changes to improve manufacturing and cost efficiencies. Overall (graphic) appearances will not be affected and will retain their familiarity while packaging formats modernize. Western Foods' position as the leading supplier of gluten-free ingredients also provides exciting opportunities with the debut of new Koda Farms® brand GF products.